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  • I Tested Positive But Not For Covid Baby Number And Birth Month Heather Gray Maternity V Neck Shirt - It's Your Day Clothing
  • Women's Heather Gray Matertnity V Neck Details - It's Your Day Clothing
  • Women's Heather Gray Maternity V Neck Size Chart - It's Your Day Clothing
  • I Tested Positive But Not For Covid Baby Number And Birth Month White Maternity V Neck Shirt - It's Your Day Clothing
  • Women's White Maternity V Neck Details - It's Your Day Clothing
  • Women's White Maternity V Neck Size Chart - It's Your Day Clothing
  • I Tested Positive But Not For Covid Baby Number And Birth Month Black Maternity V Neck Shirt - It's Your Day Clothing
  • Women's Black Maternity V Neck Details - It's Your Day Clothing
  • Women's Black Maternity V Neck Size Chart - It's Your Day Clothing
  • I Tested Positive But Not For Covid Baby Number And Birth Month Heather Gray V Neck Shirt - It's Your Day Clothing
  • I Tested Positive But Not For Covid Baby Number And Birth Month White V Neck Shirt - It's Your Day Clothing
  • I Tested Positive But Not For Covid Baby Number And Birth Month Black V Neck Shirt - It's Your Day Clothing
  • Women's Heather Gray V Neck Size Chart - It's Your Day Clothing

I Tested Positive But Not For Covid With Custom Baby Number And Birth Month Pregnancy Announcement Shirt


Heather Gray

I Tested Positive But Not For Covid Baby # And Month Pregnancy Announcement Shirt

Your choice of a heather gray, black, or white women's very soft and comfortable v-neck (for the moms to be that want to show off their pregnancy but do not yet have a baby bump) or a maternity shirt (as seen in the first picture with the ruched side detail).

The shirt will automatically come with "I Tested Positive But Not For Covid" with "Baby [Insert Number]", "Arriving [Insert Month]", and baby feet print in black . A fun way to announce your pregnancy during quarantine!

*After you put your item in the cart , in the "please leave special instructions below" box put the number and month you would like on your shirt.

*There are no refunds or exchanges on the "I Tested Positive But Not For Covid" with "Baby [Insert Number]", "Arriving [Insert Month]" Maternity shirt.

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